EMiGRA – festival which unites

EMiGRA – festival which unites

Emigration Film Festival

23-25 October, 2015

Venue: Kino Kultura, 21/23 Krakowskie Przedmieście/ Warsaw

Organisation Office: Oranżeria Muzeum Palacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie/ Warsaw

EMiGRA – festival which unites

EMiGRA festival is a film festival dedicated to wild range of emigration film production .

This year EMiGRA will unite all living abroad crossing the real and symbolic borders. The ground of he festival will remain films realized by the Poles living abroad as well as films on the Poles abroad regardless their artists‘ nationality. The new category are films shot by the foreigners on Poland. In 2015 we would like to get to know how, from the foreigners point of are view, the contemporary Poland looks like.

Subject: For the festival one can apply with a wide range of films on emigration topics.

Competition: For EMIGRA 2015 film festival documentaries, short films, animation as well as feature films without any time limits shot by film professionals as well as non-professionals produced after January 1, 2010 may apply. The films will be highly aprized by the international jury. The prizes in competition are study visits to Poland and abroad.

Deadline for competition: September, 30, 2015

Form of application: Apply by sending a link to the film or directly to EMiGRA organisation office a preview version of the film together with application form available from the festival

website www.emigra.com.pl (competition website tab)

Organisation Office:

Fundacja na Rzecz Mediów Polskojęzycznych za Granicą „WZ”

ul. St. Kostki Potockiego 10/16

02-958 Warszawa

via website: – www.emigra.com.pl (competition website tab)

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